Shadow of a Doubt

- You shouldn't have. Really. No.
- Well, yeah.

(Gasps) Oh, Charles.
Oh, how... beautiful.
Oh, I've-I've always wanted one.
Oh, Mother, it's exactly right.
It's what you should have.

Look, Emmy.
Charles. You've had these all along.
Mm-hm. All along, Emmy.
All these years.

Safe in a deposit box,
no matter where I was.

Oh. Grandpa and Grandma?
1888. (Whistles)
53 years ago.
Aren't they sweet?
My, she was pretty.

Everybody was sweet and pretty then.
The whole world.

A wonderful world.
Not like the world today.

Not like the world now.
It was great to be young then.
We're all happy now, Uncle Charlie.
Look at us.

- And we're all happy at the same time.
- Now, for your present, Charlie.

Oh, I don't want anything.
Right now, I have enough.

Before you came,
I didn't think I had anything,

but now I don't want another thing.
- She's crazy.
- She doesn't mean it.

If you ask me, I think she's putting on,
like girls in books.

The ones that say they don't want
anything always get more in the end.

- That's what she's hoping.
- She's not crazy.

The smartest girl
in her class at school.

Won the debate against theEast
Richmond HighSchool. She ' s got brains.

I meant it.
Please don't give me anything.

- Nothing?
- Oh, I can't explain it.

But you came here
and Mother's so happy and...

Oh, I'm glad that she named me after you
and that she thinks we're both alike.

I think we are, too. I know it.
Oh, it would spoil things
if you should give me anything.

You're a strange girl, Charlie.
Why would it spoil things?
