Sing at the table,
you'll marry a crazy husband.
Superstitions have been
proved 100% wrong.
Yes, I've been thinking of transferring
some money out here from the East.
I could put it in your bank, Joe,
until I found out what's what.
Uh, I suppose your bank
does take money, huh?
(Chuckles) That's one thing we do.
Rake in the dough.
Can't promise to give it back.
Well, I'll go downtown in the morning
and open an account.
- 30 or 40,000 Just to start things off?
- That's a lot of money.
He won't have it long.
The government will get it.
- The government gets -
- Don't talk against the government.
- # (Humming)
- (Emmy) The way men do things.
I can't get that tune out of my head.
Maybe if somebody tells me what it is,
I'll forget it.
- (Emmy) lt's a waltz.
- I know it is, but what one?
You know, it's the funniest thing.
Sometimes l get a tune
in my head like that
and pretty soon, I hear
somebody else humming it too.
I think tunes Jump from head to head.
Do you know whatit is,
Uncle Charlie?
Uh, no. No. I-I-I don't know what it is.
(Emmy) l remember.
Uh... lt's on the tip of my tongue.
lt's a waltz and it's Victor Herbert.
- Victor Herbert wasn't a waltz.
- It's the Blue Danube Waltz.
Oh, yes. Of course it is.
No, it isn't, Uncle Charlie.
I know what it is. It's the Merry -
- I'm terribly sorry, Emmy.
- Nothing to make a fuss about.
Charles, while we do the dishes,
why don't you come in the living room
and stretch out on the sofa
and read the evening paper?
You never were much on helping.
- Joe, here's Herbert.
- (Charlie) Ann, Roger, help me here.
Herbert's a friend of Joe's.
They're literary critics.
Hello, Herb. Had your supper?
- Had mine an hour ago.
- Hour ago, huh?
- Oh. A watch.
- Yeah, a present.
Here, Herb.
I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law.
- Charles, this is Herb Hawkins.
- Nice to know you, Mr Hawkins.
- Fine, thank you.
- How's your mother, Herb?