Why, you're not on a survey at all.
You lied to us. You lied to Mother.
You Just wanted to get in our house.
That's what it is.
What do you want with us?
Why are you here, lying to us?
Look, Charlie, you've got to listen to me.
You've got to trust me.
When you've done nothing but lie?
And you probably didn't want to
take me out at all the way I thought.
You Just wanted to ask me
a lot of questions.
Have I asked you a lot of questions?
Have I?
Alright, I'm a detective.
A pretty bad one.
Now, won't you even listen to me?
- Why should I when you lied to me?
- I had to.
When I came here to find a man,
I hadn't counted on you.
- I hadn't counted on your family.
- Find a man? What man?
There's a man loose in this country.
We're after him.
We don't know much.
We don't even know what he looks like.
Charlie, think. How much
do you know about your uncle?
Why, he's my mother's brother.
What's he got to do with it?
This man we want may be your uncle.
Oh, I don't believe you.
Go away and leave me alone.
We're after one man.
Your uncle may be that man.
But in the East, there's another man
who's being hunted too,
through Massachusetts and into Maine.
He may be the one.
My uncle hasn't done anything.
He knows it would kill
my mother if he did.
He's her younger brother,
Just like Roger is mine.
Why don't they arrest
that man in the East?
Why don't you go away
and leave us alone ?
Charlie, when we were eating tonight
and talking about our folks
and what we'd done and how we felt,
we were like two ordinary people.
We'd been brought up about the same.
- You liked me and I liked you.
- Oh, it doesn't matter now.
What do you mean, "It doesn't matter"?
It's the only thing that does.
lf it weren't for you,
you don't think l ' d care
how or where l caught up
with your uncle, do you ?
Because if he's the guy, I'm going to
catch up with him. Remember that.
And you're going to keep
your mouth shut.
You're going to keep your mouth shut
because you're such a nice girl
you'd help if you knew
your uncle was the man we wanted.
- I wouldn't help you.
- And l know you would.
And I'm trying to make it easier for you.