- Hello, Charlie. Home already ?
- Oh, yes, Dad.
It's so nice out, I thought
I'd get some air before I went to bed.
You better run in. Your Uncle Charlie's
been asking about you.
I think I'll Just go up the back way.
I-I'm tired and I don't feel like talking.
Alright. Suit yourself.
- Take care of yourself.
- Mm-hm.
- Good night, Herb.
- Good night, Charlie.
Good night, Charlie.
What were we saying, Herb?
Did I notice what?
Well, did you taste anything funny
about that coffee you had
at my house this evening?
No. It tasted all right.
That's what I mean. It wasn't all right.
- Put something in it?
- Put a little soda.
About the same amount that I'd have used
if I'd wanted to use poison.
Well, you don't say?
I never tasted a thing.
Of course, I might not notice the soda.
You'd notice the soda more
than you would the poison. (Scoffs)
For all you knew, you might
Just as well be dead now.
- Aren't you asleep yet, Ann?
- Uh-uh.
Charlotte, what are you doing?
Oh, I'm Just looking for a recipe
I thought I saw,
but it's Just so torn up.
They have papers in the "libarry",
new ones and old ones.
Miss Corcoran will get them out for you.
She won't even notice
if you cut out a little, bitty recipe.
Oh, it's not that important.