He had been up in that area,
there in the Napa Valley,
checking out
the wine lists of the country.
So I think Santa Rosa
was an area that he knew.
Today it's a large city, really.
It's big now.
But in those days it was
a sleepy little village
with a courthouse, a library.
The library doesn't exist any more.
I think the courthouse
is now a modern building.
But this was an old-fashioned town.
It was the kind of a town
that didn't say where it was.
It was American.
It could have been in the middle West.
It could even have been in the East.
In those days
it spelled America more than any town,
and I think that appealed to Hitch,
who hadn't been in America very long.
He was now interested in exploring it
and trying to get
the essence of American life,
small-town, innocent life.
The innocent America.
Santa Rosa
seemed to be a big contrast
to the New Jersey rooming house.
(O'Connell) And they found
this wondertul, old house,
that was just a little run-down,
which is exactly what they wanted
because the family
was not wealthy or anything.
So they made the deal,
and when they went up there
they found that the people were so
excited that they'd used their house
they'd painted the whole house.
So they had to dirty it down again.
But then they did fix it up for them.
(Boyle) It's the kind of house
where you didn't lock the doors.
It beckoned you
to come in and be there.
So all the influences, good and evil,
could enter that house from any place.
It was like the innocent town.
It was an innocent house that said,