Down the road apiece.
You'll see it when you
past the old iron gates
only don't loiter.
You won't be welcome
not by the Musgraves
been sitting there.
Lords of the manor
ever since time was.
If those old
walls could speak
they'd tell you things
that raise the
hair on your head.
There's folks hereabouts
swear they seen
corpse lights
round the old greenhouse
and heard 'em wailing
like lost souls
in the lime rock,
yeah, I want
no part of it.
Nor the Musgraves
hard men,
like them as
was before them,
cruel men.
God pity 'em for
the day is coming
when they'll need pity.
I don't think you're
being quite fair, Geoffrey
I assure you
I have no wish
to be fair.
An excellent specimen
of the coprass Carolina.
You are a sweet old
soul aren't you?
I have no wish to
be a sweet old soul,
no wish to be anything
but what I am
a disagreeable person
who does not intend
to let his sister
run off with