Hello Mack.
Oh, I must have
taken a wee nap.
Mack I want you to meet a
very old friend of mine,
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Captain Mackintosh.
How do you do?
I have heard of
you, Mr. Holmes.
Sorry to have wakened you.
Oh, that's
quite all right.
See you later.
Sit down Mack and go
on with your sleep.
Poor chap.
He got wounded in a
trench on Josher Hill.
The German Tanks
went over him.
Have you any idea
how Jeffery Musgrave
met his death?
He has a depressed
skull fracture,
wait a minute
Holmes, it isn't.
Isn't it?
Why not?
No edema, no bleeding,
no contractinous tissue.
The blow on the head was
delivered after death.
Musgrave was killed
by a sharp instrument
thrusted between the
base of the skull
and the top vertebrate.
Great Scott.
Should we go up now?
Hello Langford.
Hello there.
Been away, haven't
you, haven't you?
Yes, I just been
out of London.
I brought my friend back.
This is Mr.
Sherlock Holmes.
Major Langford.
We'll see you at dinner.
I hope so.
I hope so.
I hope so.
Excuse me.
Poor chap was
at Singapore,
escaped from a
Japanese prison camp,
ghastly experience.
He's suffering from...
Escape complex obviously.
He's a very nice
chap, though.
The next fellow I
want you to meet
is young Clavering
an army engineer.
Saw a lot of men blown to
bits by Nazi booby traps.
He's a bit on edge.
Not unnaturally.
Well, Dr. Watson.
Come in, won't you?
Sorry to keep you so long.