You see I, uh,
I was lying
down, resting.
This is my friend,
Mr. Holmes,
who's here for a few days.
Mr. Clavering.
Glad to meet you.
How do you do?
Sorry to disturb you.
Not at all.
I say, you don't
happen to have
some cigarettes
about you, do you?
That's one of the
reasons I came.
I brought you some of
those American cigarettes
that you're so fond off.
It's all right,
open it up.
No hurry, no hurry at all.
No, no, no.
Of course there isn't.
Shall we go.
Yes, well we must be off.
We've got a lot to do.
See you later.
Yes, I'll be back.
Good night.
He seems afraid
there might be a
bomb in that package.
Well he'd find them
in less likely places
than that the poor chap.
The man in this room is an
American Flying officer.
Captain Vickery,
nothing really much
matter with him.
What's he here for then?
On a rest, had a
pretty long go.
He needs all the
rest he can get.
doesn't seem to be in.
No one at home.
Apparently not,
not since teatime
at any rate.
Now what's this?
Captain Vickery,
here's your tea.
If it's cold
don't blame me.
That sounds like
Brunton's work.
The butler?
He fancies himself a poet
but only when
he's drinking.
I see.
Wasn't there an American
killer given to verse?
Holmes, you don't
think that Brunton...
Excuse me.
I merely stated
there's an American
killer given to verse.
Dr. Watson, oh
where are you?
Oh there you are.
Steady my dear, steady.
Please make me
wake up, won't you?
It's just a bad
dream, I know,
Geoff and Pat...
Now, now, now, my dear.
You got to get a
grip on yourself.
Come on, come on,
come sit down.
My brother,
Geoff, murdered.
Poor ol' Geoff.
And I hadn't
spoken to him