He's in that passageway
over the fireplace.
Are you there, Brunton?
Get me out.
It's me, Lestrade.
I'm lost.
I'm all turned around.
You have been for years.
Get him out there,
will you Mrs. Howells
and give him a
saucer of milk.
Come here Jenny.
Stand on this
square for me
and stamp on it,
keep stamping.
Clavering, get your
sound detector.
Gentlemen, deep
down below.
Look there's not
been a soul here
in a couple of
hundred years.
Someone's been here
and in the last
twenty-four hours.
Yeah, it's clean
as a new pin.
Dust of two hundred
years is on the walls.
The floor's
been swept clean
obviously in an attempt
to remove footprints.
That's Jenny in
the hall upstairs.
let me have your
sound detector.
So sorry.
I must find the exact spot
under that square
I marked in the hall.
Don't move, anyone.
Someone's moving about
interfering with what
I'm trying to do.
Stand perfectly
still everybody.