Regulations sir.
Beastly nuisance
I call it.
You'll receive
your American Visa
in (unintelligible).
Will there be time?
We've seemed
to cut our time
pretty close Sir Henry.
Have you a word Sir Henry?
Do you wish to
make any comments?
Sir Henry, what
is your destination
New York or Washington?
I'm sorry, I have
nothing to say.
Sir Henry Marchmont
official business.
Oh Sir Henry Marchmont.
Sir Henry.
Thank You.
Good luck Sir Henry.
Thanks, I may need it.
Shall I take
your case sir?
Definitely not.
I say, you think
the old boy carried
the fate of the empire
in that little black case.
Perhaps he does.
Heads up boys.
Roll it away.
Lively now.
Hey just a moment,
you are shy one passenger.
Hold on.
Wait a bit.
Wait I say.
I've got passage.
Your name sir?
Grayson's the
name, John Grayson,
senior clerk Farlow
Nash and Farlow,
solicitor of
Chancery Lane.
You've got it all there.
Everything quite regular.
Sorry to delay you,
missed the bus
had to take a taxi,
dreadful nuisance.
Hop aboard will you,
we're late now.
Thanks awfully.
Sorry to delay.
I'm awfully sorry.
It's quite all right.
I've no sense of
balance, none whatever.
clumsy of me.
No sense of balance.
That's what it is.
The effects of the
inner ear I fancy.