Excuse me sir.
Don't give it
thought brother.
I'm in politics, I'm
used to hard knocks.
I'm Henry Babcock,
Senator Babcock.
How do you do?
John Grayson.
Sit down Grayson.
Have a glass
of grape juice
from my home state.
Used to know a
man named Grayson,
mighty fine man.
He was murdered.
Two grapes George.
This book has got
me all confused.
I do wish you'd
set me straight
on the
international situation.
Rather large
order I'm afraid.
Oh you're so
right, Sir Henry.
One must take the broader
view I always say.
Another grape
juice Grayson,
you can't have too many
vitamins I always say.
Thank you Senator
but if you don't mind
I'll have a
whiskey and soda.
Why sure.
George bring them
over will you?
Let's get a chair.
I was built for comfort.
Solid little beggars.
Kept some myself
for the lad
till mother got a cat.
Don't say C-A-T.
Oh sorry.
Permit me.
Oh thank you, you're
very kind I'm sure.
Beg your pardon sir.
Here we are.
Yes sir.
Are we on time?
Yes sir.
We'll be in Washington
in twenty-minutes.
By the way Grayson
what's your line?
Yeah, what
business you in?
What's your racket?
Oh I represent a
London legal firm.
Farlow, Nash and Farlow.
I used to know a
man named Farlow.
No, no it was Marlow.
Couldn't have been
the same fellow.