Elementary my dear Watson.
Invariably when you
go to a cricket match
you fill your flask
with my best whiskey.
Just now I
noted in passing
that the flask was empty.
A single whiff informed me
that it had been
recently filled,
after filling it,
you would
pour the contents
back into the bottle,
therefore you would
have changed your mind
about a cricket match.
You amaze me Holmes.
You're positively amazing.
Come in Mrs. Hudson.
Oh excuse me, Mr. Holmes,
there's a gentleman
and he's very insistent.
Well I do declare
he followed me
right up the stairs.
Didn't I ask you to wait?
My good woman you
may ask me to wait
but not the
British Empire.
Mr. Holmes, I must talk
to you immediately.
How are you Mr. Ahren?
That will be all now
thank you Mrs. Hudson.
My good woman indeed.
I seem to know that name.
Don't tell me,
my dear Watson,
that you don't recognize
Mr. Ahren of
the home office.
Why yes of course.
I knew you the
moment you came in.
How are you Ahren?
Did you see what the
Navy did to the Army
at Lords yesterday?
All right Watson, go
on with your breakfast.
Mr. Holmes, I am
here on a matter
of the utmost secrecy.
I assure you Mr. Ahren
that Doctor Watson is the
very sole of discretion.
Won't you sit down?
By the by Watson
please be so
good as to keep
tapping on the table
with your knife.
Tapping on the
table with a knife?
It will break
the wavelength
if by any chance there's a
dictograph in the walls.
All really.
No thank you.
You can stop now Watson.
Well Mr. Ahren
I take it you
have called on me
in connection
with the kidnapping
of John Grayson in
America last night.
Why yes.
Yes exactly.
Grayson was
carrying a document
of a very
confidential nature.
It's contents
were of such
great international
that I am not at
liberty to reveal them
but if that document
falls into the
hands of the enemy,
I can only say
it will be
absolutely disastrous
for this government
and our allies.
For that reason
we did not wish
to transport it