Of course the Washington
Police have been notified
of Grayson's
but even they don't know
that he was carrying
the document.
Now that's about
all the detail
I'm at liberty
to give you.
Well if they've
got Grayson,
that is Pettibone, they
must got the papers.
Not necessarily Watson.
It doesn't follow
because they got man,
they got the document.
What form is
this document in?
It was typed on two
sheets of legal paper.
Two sheets?
That's too bulky
to swallow.
And dry Watson,
cheerfully dry.
Especially legal papers.
Well whatever shape
the document was in
I trust Pettibone
to get rid of it
before anyone could
lay hands on him.
The document
must be found
before it falls into the
hands of our enemies.
I'm here on behalf of His
Majesty's government
who urges you to find it.
That means going to
Washington, of course.
With all possible speed.
A bomber is waiting
for you at Creighton.
Goodbye Doctor Watson.
Goodbye Sir.
Goodbye Ahren.
Goodbye Holmes, good luck.
Thanks very much.
We're relying on you.
Well Watson
we're off to
Washington at once.
America, I say
that's exciting.
I've never seen a
game of baseball.
Let's go and start
packing at once.
First I'd like to take
a look at the home
of Alfred Pettibone.
Come along Watson.
Why Doctor Watson,
what a surprise.
And Mr. Holmes,
won't you come in?
Thank you.
I'm frightfully sorry
but you've won't
find my son in
he's gone to Washington.
Some business or other.
Poor fellow I'm afraid
that he'll never...
never get used to the
climate over there.
Would you mind if we
looked over
your son's room?
Why of course,
it's upstairs.
Thank you.
Some friends tell
me very, very muggy,
very sticky.
You'll find his room
in a dreadful
pickle Mr. Holmes.