Sherlock Holmes in Washington

It's an attempt to
throw me off the track.

Grogan, you have a police
laboratory of course?

I'll see what I can
find out about the body.

Yes, whatever marks it
reveals and the trunk.

A microscopic

everything about
it, the lining,

the blanket
in which the body is
wrapped, everything.

Let nothing escape.
We have the best
police laboratories

in the world, Mr. Holmes.
I beg your pardon,
Lieutenant Grogan,

you see I'm so accustomed
to working quite alone

at my lodgings
on Baker Street

that I sometimes forget
the more modern
scientific methods

so particularly effective
here in America.

Well if there's
anything there they'll
find it Mr. Holmes.

While you're doing
that I'll take a
look at the club car.

Coming Watson?
Here we are Mr. Holmes.
I have the porter
as you asked

and the railroad
company's sent Mr.
Moore to unlock cars.

Delighted, how do you do?
Very good let's go in.
This way gentlemen.
It looks as if the police
have made a
thorough search.

Whoever did it,
it wasn't the police.
There have been
visitors here

since our friend Grogan.
My goodness
look at our car.

Talk about a blitz.
I say Holmes, if Grayson
hid anything in this car

it certainly
isn't here now.

Not necessarily Watson.
If you will help me
put this place in
some kind of order.

Yes sir, boss.
This would go about
here I imagine.

That's it boss.
And, wait a minute.
Yes that's certainly
more like it, yes sir.

Thank you that
will be all.

Watson will you be Mr.
Grayson for a moment?

If you want me to old man.
What do you want me to do?
You're having a
drink at the bar.

Oh drink, not a bad idea.
Drink at the bar.
Bring me a whiskey and
soda will you Stewart?

Sorry Doctor Watson
but the bar's closed.

He says the bar's closed.
According to Grogan's
of the scene,

let me see,
Grayson pauses at the bar
while Senator Babcock
moves across
