and sits down here.
Do you mind being
Senator Babcock
for the moment Watson?
Going up in the world.
Sit down please.
Now Miss Pringle
is seated there.
Over here Watson.
Now I'm Miss Pringle?
That's right,
the mouse woman.
Oh the mouse woman.
Watson over here please.
No not there, not there,
that's Senator Babcock.
Oh pardon me Senator.
Sit down please.
Now you're Mrs. Jellison.
Oh excuse me Mr. Holmes,
he ain't Mrs. Jellison.
He's the young lady.
Sir Henry Marchmont
was sitting right here
and Mrs. Jellison
was right here.
She is sort of
a big, fat lady.
What did Grayson
do with her
that attracted
your attention
so particularly
to Mrs. Jellison?
The little man he
retrieved her book.
And the young
lady sitting here?
Didn't she converse
with the little man?
No sir.
That young
lady didn't have no
converse with no one.
When the little
man lit her cigarette
she sat back and said,
"Thank you very much."
But you have matches
here for your customers.
Oh yes, she called me
and I saw her cigarette
and I knew she
wanted a match.
And Grayson used one
of his own matches?
Well uh...
oh yes, he took a folder
from his coat pocket.
Did he put the match
folder back in his pocket
or did he give it
to the young lady?
Why I don't remember,
I was fairly busy.
Try to remember!
Oh if I should
try till doomsday
I couldn't remember
just what happened
to that match folder.
Oh yes, I remember just
one important thing.
When the little
man lit her cigarette
he said something
very peculiar.
What was it?
He said, "Permit me."
well gentlemen
I'm extremely
grateful to all of you.
It's all we can do for
the present I think.
Since the place
was torn to bits,
after the murder
of Grayson,
the attacks on Senator
Babcock, Mrs. Jellison,
Miss Pringle,
I'm convinced that the
document left the club car