That will be five
hundred dollars.
Now would you just
give me the address
where you want it sent?
J. Wellington, Junior,
Duponte Circle.
Good night.
Good night.
I'll have it sent
out in the morning.
Oh dear, oh dear.
I'm most terribly sorry.
You've broken one of
our best pieces sir.
Ming Dynasty.
Tang dynasty not Ming.
Definitely not Ming.
It is my business
to know sir,
the pottery is Ming
and worth twenty-three
hundred dollars.
As were closing
for the evening
I must ask you to
settle at once.
Nonsense my good man.
Tang pottery is worth
six hundred
dollars at best.
Just a moment please.
Yes of course.
What's going on out there?
A customer dropped a
valuable piece of pottery.
I'll finish with
him immediately.
How could you say
that it's Ming?
Twenty-three hundred
You ask twenty-three
hundred dollars
for something that's worth
no more than
six hundred
I demand to see
the proprietor.