Sherlock Holmes in Washington

Where is Nancy Pattridge?
You're not
looking for that girl

you're looking for
a certain document.

Dear me no.
The document's
perfectly safe.

You see the man who has it
doesn't know he has it.
That's a very pretty
tale but quite untrue.

The only man who had
any contact with Grayson

on the train was
Senator Babcock.

The Senator doesn't
have the document

we took the
trouble to find out.

Permit me.
Thank you.
Perhaps you've
been mislead

by the common
notion regarding

the shape and bulk
of state papers.

They might easily
been reduced to a,

to a convenient
size you know?

Say a document
no larger than a,

than a postage stamp.
A postage stamp huh?
That's a very
interesting theory

but not supported
by the facts

and quite
beside the point.

Where's the girl?
She's not here of course
but you're quite at
liberty to look around

if you care too.
Thank you.
I shall do so.
Interesting piece.
Spanish isn't it?
Oh, my error.
It's an amazing specimen
but I assure
you won't find

what you're
looking for there.

You stimulate
my curiosity.

This might
be interesting.

The Moors were
an incredibly
