What's the matter, sister?
Don't you like music?
But I like this better.
Hmph. Here comes
that Mr. Chick Bailey again.
- Gee, Selina, you were swell.
- Thank you.
Say, waiter.
Same thing all around.
- And the party's on me, so see that I get the check.
- Oh, yes, sir.
Oh, I wouldn't want you to do that.
Oh, that's nothing.
It's a pleasure.
Well, I wouldn't argue over trivialities.
How long you gonna stay
in New York, Bill?
- I gotta leave town tonight.
- That's an excellent idea.
You see, I've got my old job
waiting for me down in Memphis.
Oh, but with the talent you've got,
you should be a dancer.
Oh, I only know a few steps
I picked up myself.
Yes, but you could work at it and learn.
Couldn't he, Chick?
Sure. They even teach elephants to dance.
Ladies and gentlemen.
The Cake Walk.
Everybody join in!
Come on, Selina.
Let's try and win this cake.
- But this is our dance.
- Tonight's the army's night, Chick.