Come in.
- Well, he fired me.
- Yes, I know.
But I don't care.
You know, I just had to do it, Selina.
Well, I don't blame you, Bill.
If it wasn't for making
trouble for you...
I'd hang a sign on that guy's eye-
"closed for the season."
Well, don't let me stop you.
Does that invitation to a sandwich still go?
It sure does. The lunchroom?
Ah, that sounds like a great place to me.
Come in.
Say, didn't I tell you
to get out of my theater?
And didn't I tell you I'd get out
when I get good and ready?
- Well, you're ready now.
- That's right.
Ready, willing and able.
Come on, Selina.
One never knows, do one?
That's just like Chick.
He ain't changed a bit.
What happened after
you socked him, Uncle Bill?
Oh, we had our ups and downs-
more downs than ups at first.
- Did you keep on dancing?
- Sure. That's when I invented that Bill Williamson step.
- You remember that, don't you, honey?
- Yes.
Come on, let me see
if you can do it. You ready? Go.
Why, you haven't forgotten it.
You did that fine.
- What's this?
- Well, well. Look at this.
It looks like Gabe
is still out of money.
Just like my old man.
What happened to Gabe,
Uncle Bill?
Oh, we kind of lost track
of him for a few years.
- Did he quit promotin'?
- Well, he did and he didn't.
You see, I was trying
to open a show in New York...
and having a peck of a lot
of trouble about money.
I was walking down the street
in Harlem that day.
- No, it ain't.
- Yes, it is.