Look, why don't we wire him
from Niagara Falls?
Niagara Falls?
That's why you stopped at your office.
Yes, certainly!
We're going to go the whole hog.
Niagara Falls!
Everybody ought to go there.
You should've seen my secretary's face.
We've a room on the train,
the bridal suite in the hotel...
...and tomorrow morning
we go over the falls in a barrel.
Go on, darling, hurry and pack.
I don't have to.
I started packing the day after I met you.
There, you see! You see?
That's what I mean.
That's what I hate about women.
I wonder what Mary's doing now?
-The train leaves in an hour, hurry.
-It'll be a few minutes.
-Father may want to pray over me.
-Whistle when you're ready.
When you whistle, open the front door fast.
If you see a tall, dark streak of light,
it's me.
What? Now?
No, not now!
Look surprised when he tells us.
Hold on to your bustles.
We're married. Elaine and I are married.
Oh, darling, how wonderful!
Isn't it wonderful? They're married!
Don't pretend to be so surprised either,
you two old frauds.
-Can I use the telephone?
-Of course.
Isn't it too, too wonderful?
And to think that it happened
right here in this room!
Now, here.
Benson's Florists?
This is Mortimer Brewster.
Did you send those roses
to Mrs. Brewster? Good.
Send four dozen more to drawing room A,
Grand Central Station.
Hurry. And throw in a flock
of orange blossoms.
But before you go,
we can have our celebration.
I'll open a bottle of wine and we'll sing.
And we'll invite a few neighbors in.
-And, of course, a wedding cake.
-You won't have time to bake a cake.
We're going to Niagara Falls.
A taxi's waiting.
It's all ready. It's been ready since--
I bet it's been ready
since the first day I met her.
Did everybody know
I was getting married, except me?