"Oh, tell the news to Mother"
-Oh, dear.
-Find those notes? What's wrong?
There's a baby picture
of your brother Jonathan.
You ought to put that in the fire
with my books. My, what a face!
I remember now.
He'd scare grownups with it.
Just the thought of Jonathan frightens me.
Do you remember how he used to cut
worms in two with his teeth?
Jonathan? He's probably in prison
or hanged or something by now.
I saw a play, had a character in it,
reminded me of Jonathan.
A honey of a lunatic. One of those
whodunits called Murder Will Out.
Oh, dear!
Yeah, what a play.
When the curtain goes up,
the first thing you see is a dead body.
The next thing--
Hey, mister.
-Happy bridegroom!
-Congratulations, darling!
Never mind that now.
Now, listen, darlings.
You know how we've always planned
to send Teddy to Happy Dale?
Yes, dear. That's after we're gone.
Yes, we talked with Reverend Harper
about it.
Teddy's got to go to Happy Dale now.
At once!
-He's in the cellar. Get him up here now.
-There's no such hurry as that.
When Teddy's working on the canal,
you can't get his mind on anything else.