No, dear. Of course not!
Well, so....
Do you remember those jars of poison
on the shelves...
...in Grandfather's laboratory
all these years?
You know your Aunt Martha's knack
for mixing things.
You've eaten enough of her piccalilli.
Well, dear, for a gallon of elderberry wine...
...l take one teaspoonful of arsenic...
...then add half a teaspoonful of strychnine.
And then, just a pinch of cyanide.
Should have quite a kick.
As a matter of fact,
one of our gentlemen found time to say:
"How delicious! "
He did? Well, wasn't that nice of him?
Abby, we mustn't be standing here
gossiping all night.
We must get that cake frosted.
Don't worry about the cake.
I couldn't eat a thing.
You newlyweds! A sip of wine
will give you an appetite.
That'd be nice, darling, a sip of....
A sip of wine!
I'm beginning to think the cat's in on this.
He's wonderful. Happy as a lark.
Singing away, digging locks.
Got him working on a yellow-fever victim.
I can see the headlines now:
"Murder lncorporator Rides Again"
right across the front page.
Let me see....
Teddy! Of course.
Everybody knows he's crazy.
Let me see. Who can I call up?
Dewey, La Guardia, Winchell?
No, Winchell's no good.
Old Judge Cullman!
I wonder if I got his number.
What am I doing with tickets?