...and I was so frightened?
It was that face.
Take it easy, Johnny. Take it easy.
Don't worry. The last five years,
I give him three different faces.
I give him another one right away.
That last face. I saw that picture, too...
...just before I operated. I was intoxicated.
You see, doctor, what you've done to me?
-Even my own family think I'm--
-Johnny, Johnny!
You are home in this lovely house.
You know...
...how many times he tells me...
...about Brooklyn, about this house
and about his aunts...
...he loves so much?
They know you.
Please tell him so.
...it's been a long time.
Bless you. It's good to be home again.
We mustn't let what's on the stove
boil over.
If you'll excuse us for a moment, Jonathan.
Unless you're in a hurry to go somewhere.
Where do we go from here?
You know, we got to think fast.
The police got pictures of that face.
I got to operate on you right away.
We got to find someplace.
We got to find someplace
for Mr. Spenalzo, too.
Don't waste any worry on that rat.
But we got a hot stiff on our hands.
Forget Mr. Spenalzo.
But, Johnny, we can't leave
a dead body in the rumble seat.