He's all right, Johnny.
I'll open the window.
You go round and hand him through.
But he's too heavy for me.
You go outside and push,
and I'll stay here and pull.
And then together we take him
down to Panama.
All right. We must be quick.
I'll take a look around outside the house.
When I tap on the glass,
you open the window.
It's dark in here.
Where am l?
Here I am.
Who left this open?
Okay, wait a minute. Hand him over.
Now I have him. Allez, up!
Now, wait a minute.
You lost a leg somewhere.
Help me. He's so heavy.
Now I have him. Now I got him.
-Be careful.
-But his shoe came off.
Help me. He's so heavy.
Now I've got him!
Johnny, somebody's at the door.
Go open, quick.
I'll manage Spenalzo. Go, quick!