We happen to live here.
You don't live here.
I'm in this house every day,
I've never seen you before.
Where are Martha and Abby?
What have you done to them?
Perhaps we'd better introduce ourselves.
May I present Dr. Einstein?
Dr. Einstein?
A surgeon of great distinction.
And something of a magician.
-I suppose you'll tell me you're Boris--
-I am Jonathan Brewster.
-You're Jonathan.
-You've heard of me?
-Yes, they talk about you.
-What do they say about me?
Just that there's another brother
named Jonathan, that's all.
That explains everything.
Now that I know who you are...
...l'll just be running along
if you'll kindly unlock the door.
"That explains everything."
Just what do you mean by that?
Why do you come here
at this time of night?
I just thought I saw Mortimer drive up.
I suppose it was you.
You thought you saw someone drive up?
Yes. Weren't you just outside?
lsn't that your car?
-You saw someone at the car?
-What else did you see?
-Just that, that's all!
I see. Is that why you came over here?
No, I came to see Mortimer.
But if he's not home, I'll run--
-You've given two names.
-You're hurting me!
I think she's dangerous.
No visitors. It's going to be
a private funeral.
-Tell these men who I am!
-That's my daughter, Alice.
Don't be a tomboy.
Don't play rough with the gentlemen.