My name is Rusty Parker.
Could l see Mr. Coudair
about the Vanity cover?
Miss Jackson, Mr. Coudair's assistant,
does interviews. She'll try to see you.
Thank you.
What on earth are you doing here?
Oh, same thing you are, l guess.
You shouldn't be
such a good salesman.
Does Danny know you came?
Well, l didn't tell him,
if that's what you mean.
He's gonna be sore at me. But you...
...egads, he'll cut you up
in little pieces.
Well, he doesn't have to know.
Does he, Maurine?
No, of course not.
Save it, kitties. Don't waste it on me.
That redhead isn't bad.
No, she isn't.
All right, Marion, let the bars down.
Carry on, Colby.
Maurine Martin, please.
Egads, wish me luck.
That girl has a really lovely figure...
...if she knew how to walk.
Ever done any modeling?
No, but all you have to do is keep still,
isn't it?
That always helps.
Does it matter l've never modeled?
No, in this case, we prefer it.
Now sit down and stand up
again several times.