Did you know Rusty
won this contest, Maurine?
Not until this came out today.
That double-crossing little so-and-so.
-l don't think Danny knows it either.
-She takes a swell picture, doesn't she?
Anyone would with
the trouble they go to.
Your grapes are so sour
l can smell them from here.
Be with you in a minute, kids.
What are you--?
-ln the mood to be great again tonight?
-Yeah, l'm--
Singing and dancing
all the time, that's me.
Oh, you're such a joy
and comfort to us all.
Yeah, l'm a joy and a....
-Oh, by the way, Genius--
-By the what?
Oh. The way.
-What's the matter with you?
-Just trying out a new step. Like it?
-Cut the clowning, will you?
-Who's clowning?
You're sitting on a piece of paper.
lsn't he silly? Have l got time to sit
on paper? l'm not even sitting.
-Go bake a cake.
-Genius, you're on.
Danny, didn't you say
she could live her own life?
Go ahead, let them have the face.
You got what's left.
-Genius, you're on!
Hi, yourself.