Cover Girl

What do l think?
-ls this what you want?

Ladies and gentleman,
your favorite cover girl...

...and my favorite dancer, Rusty Parker.
-You didn't bring a trumpet, did you?
-Why a trumpet?

l want to make an impressive entrance.
-Nice going, Rusty.
-Gee, you really--

-Remember what he used to--?
-Knew what she was talking about.

-lt was a wonderful feeling.
-What are you crying about?

l don't know.
Kids, imagine a star being born to
parents like me and Danny?

More like someone
giving birth to an earthquake.

Break it up, break it up.
Rusty's skipping the next number.
Take the girls on, will you?

Thanks. l'm the act that follows the act.
Give me some lights. l'll murder them.

Rusty, this happens to very few people.
Take care of it and treat it right.

Rusty, this happens to very few people.
Take care of it and treat it right.

l beg your pardon.
Oh, here you are.

l've been in the theatre many years,
and l've never seen--

Excuse me, please.
As l was saying, l've been in the
theatre a number of years and--

As l was saying...
-...l've been in the theatre--
-l'm beginning to believe that.

-Hello, Rusty.
-Hello, Mr. Coudair.

Hello, Miss Jackson.
Danny, these are--

-Well, this is Mr. McGuire.
-How do you do, sir?

l was saying that l've--
This gentleman has been in theatre
a good many years.

You've been in my theatre many
years too. Why don't you scram?

-Of course we'll go. We--
-That's all right.

You're perfectly welcome
to stay, but this guy--

This guy is with us, Mr. McGuire.
We brung him.

-l'm sorry.
-That's my one virtue: nice friends.

Rusty, this is Noel Wheaton of
Wheaton's Theatre. This is Mr. McGuire.

-Hello. How are you?
-One side, please.

We're a little crowded here.
Would you mind moving?

-Forgive us.
-Make yourselves at home, will you?

Look, people with clothes on.
l have to get on next.
Would you excuse me? Maurine.
