She is doing a story on what food
makes the figure of Rusty Parker.
-l said, do the best you can.
-l quit.
All right, then quit!
-Where is Rusty? Find her.
She's all right. She's on the stage
being interviewed.
-l'm 1 0 minutes slow.
-Are the flowers from Mr. Wheaton?
Yes, every hour, on the hour,
for a week.
Can you tell us about their romance?
Which of you did she love
before Mr. Wheaton?
lt was l, but l beat her.
Mr. McGuire. Smile.
-Where's Rusty?
-We want her autograph.
Wait outside. We're trying to rehearse.
-Give me your autograph.
-You don't even know who l am.
Yes, l do.
-You're Rusty Parker's boyfriend.
-l'll tell him when he comes.
You can have my autograph.
Single file. l'll take you first.
You ain't nobody.
Maybe we can catch her
out in the alley. Come on!
Just a minute. The girls
are too busy to see you.
-Glad to see you.
-Glad to see you.
That's fine, John. Play billiards
while my theatre falls apart.
-Good afternoon.
-What's good about it?
lt's another day for me to worry about
how l'll open my show.
Now l'm sending roses
every 1 5 minutes.
You got me this way. Do something.
l tried everything this side of kidnapping.
What is this side of kidnapping?
Please don't be humorous.
You're humorous, both of you.
You're attempting the impossible:
Lure a girl away from a guy
she loves with things.
lt won't work, and l'm dame enough to
be glad of it. What do you think of that?
l had the same problem with her
grandmother. l mean, her mother.
Whose mother?