Straight down the line.
That was it Keyes.
The machine reels started the movement
and nothing could stop it.
The first thing we had to do was
fix him up with that accident policy.
I knew he wouldn't buy, but all I wanted
was his signature on an application.
So I had to make him sign
without his knowing what he was signing.
And I wanted a witness besides Phyllis
to hear me give him a sales talk.
I was trying to think with your brains, Keyes.
I wanted all the answers ready for all the...
questions you were going to spring
as soon as Dietrichson was dead.
A couple of nights later
I went to the house.
Everything looked fine...
except I didn't like the witness
Phyllis had brought in.
It was Dietrichson's daughter Lola
and it made me feel a little queer
in the belly to....
have her sitting right there
in the room, playing Chinese checkers,
as if nothing was going to happen.
I suppose you realize, Mr. Dietrichson,
that, not being an employee,
you are not covered by
the State Compensation Insurance Act.
The only way you can protect yourself
is by having a personal policy of your own.
Yeah! I know all about that.
The next thing you'll tell me
I need earthquake insurance
and lightning insurance and hail insurance.
If we bought all the insurance
they can think up...
we'd stay broke
paying for it, wouldn't we, honey?
What keeps us broke is you going out
and buying five hats at a crack.