What's the matter?
Aren't you going to kiss me?
It's straight down the line, isn't it?
- I love you, Walter.
- I love you, baby.
It was two minutes past 11
as I went up the fire stairs again.
Nobody saw me this time either.
In the apartment I checked the bells.
The cards hadn't moved.
No calls. No visitors.
Then I changed my clothes again.
That left one last thing to do.
I had to go down to the garage.
I wanted Charlie to see me again.
You going to use your car after all?
I'm not quite through.
Oh. It's all right, Charlie.
Just going up the drug store
for something to eat.
Working upstairs all evening.
My stomach's getting sore.
Yes, Mr. Neff.
That was all there was to it.
Nothing had slipped,
nothing had been overlooked
there was nothing to give us away.
And yet, Keyes, as I was walking down
the street to the drug store
suddenly it came over me
that everything would go wrong.
It sounds crazy, Keyes,
but it's true so help me:
I couldn't hear my own footsteps.
It was the walk of a dead man.
That was the longest night
I ever lived through, Keyes
and the next day was worse,
when the story broke in the papers
and they started talking about it
at the office
and the day after that
when you started digging into it.