I'm sure it's there.
It's not.
Paula, didn't I tell you?
How did you come to lose it?
I must have pulled it out
with something, I suppose.
- I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
- Forgive, my dear?
It's not as serious as that.
It's not valuable.
Your present to me, your mother's broach.
I wanted to wear it always.
I don't remember opening my bag.
I suppose I must have.
You did put it in there?
Don't you even remember that?
Yes, of course I do.
But suddenly, I am beginning
not to trust my memory at all.
I tell you, you're just tired, that's all.
It doesn't mean anything.
I'm sure it doesn't.
Don't worry so, Paula. Don't worry.
- Nancy, has the master left?
- Yes, ma'am. A little while ago.
Please see that he has plenty of coal
on the fire in his room.
You already told me that, ma'am.
Nancy, did you turn the gas up in there?
Turn it up? No, why?
I thought it went down in here,
as if you had.
- I never touched it.
- But this went down.
Perhaps Elizabeth
lit another jet in the kitchen.
Couldn't have been her.
She's been in bed for an hour.
I could hear her snoring.
That's odd.
- Good night, Nancy.
- Good night, ma'am.