Going My Way

[Exclaims admonishingly]
Young man, as a matter of curiosity...
what made you become a priest?
Why, l...
[Telephone rings]
Well, you don't say.
You don't say.
Oh, yes, I can well believe it, yeah.
Mrs. Quimp?
[Clears throat]
Yes, indeed, Mrs. Quimp.
I appreciate your good intentions.
Yes. Goodbye.

- I guess she told you about me?
- Yeah, the garrulous old biddy.

Young man, I'm afraid
you're off to a very bad start.

That's what she said. I'm sorry, Father, I...
Smashing people's windows. Such conduct.
Oh, yes, that reminds me.
I wanted to ask you something.

Listen now. Tell me, young man,
how did you happen to become a priest?

[Laughing] Well, l...
[Telephone rings]
Chuck? Chuck who?
- Father Chuck?
- That's me.

Here, I'll take it over here.
Hello? Timmy!
Well, how are you, Timmy? I just got in.
Well, what do you know?
That's Father O'Dowd, an old friend of mine.
We used to go to school together.

[Singing] Hail Alma Mater
Thy time-honoured halls

Shall echo with our praise till we die
And 'round our hearts
are the ivy-covered walls
