I'll pay you me rent when I get it!
HATTIE: Good morning, Father.
O'MALLEY: Good morning.
Hello, Father.
Mrs. Quimp and I were just discussing you.
- You were?
- As you know, I represent...
the Knickerbocker Savings
and Loan Company.
Inasmuch as Mrs. Quimp
declines to pay her rent...
the Knickerbocker Savings
and Loan Company...
- refuses to offer her any further hospitality.
- Is she very far in arrears?
TED: Mrs. Quimp has paid us nothing
for six months.
O'MALLEY: It's certainly very nice of you
to show her leniency.
Supposing the poor old woman
has no place to go?
The Knickerbocker Savings and Loan
Company is not a charitable institution...
like St. Dominic's.
With us, it's just a matter
of cold-blooded business.
With you it's different. You haven't got
anything and you don't want anything.
That's your business
and people respect you for it.
But I'm not in your business, see?
If I haven't got anything
and don't want anything, I'm a bum.
Surely there must be something
we can do about it.
I don't know what you'll do about it, but
I'm going to throw her right out on her ear.
Give her a break.
Give her a month to make good in.
- St. Dominic's will guarantee it.
- St. Dominic's?
I can see you haven't been around long.
Why, St. Dominic's is in worse shape
than Mrs. Quimp.
- My old man happens to own the mortgage...
- Your father holds the mortgage?
You're darn right he does.
he'd like to find a way to foreclose.
He wants to tear down the church
and make a parking lot of it.
Can you imagine it?
He's a very disliked man.
- I'm sort of following in his footsteps.
- Junior?
[Turkeys gobbling]
HERMAN: It's turkeys.
TONY: Let's cut through the churchyard.
[Turkey gobbles]