FITZGIBBON: Good afternoon, boys.
BOYS: Hello, Father.
That's a fine fat bird you have there.
We was sort of bringing it over for you.
- It's sort of a present. Ain't it, Herman?
- Yeah.
That's very generous of you.
Such a fine bird and all.
Now, where may I ask did you get it?
- We got...
- We won it in a raffle over at the theatre.
- We were lucky.
- Isn't that great?
- But, surely, your mother...
- Except on Christmas, Ma don't like turkey.
- She don't?
- Honest.
That's most fortunate for me.
There's nothing I'm more partial to
than a nice tom turkey.
Roasted, all with dressing.
I appreciate your kindness, boys.
It ain't nothing, Father.
FITZGIBBON: On the contrary,
I appreciate the thought behind it.
Small luxuries, like small sacrifices,
are ofttimes the most godly.
Bless you both. Thank you.
Take it inside the kitchen
to the housekeeper.
HERMAN: Okay, Father, we'll see you later.
FITZGIBBON: So you guaranteed
Mrs. Quimp's rent?
O'MALLEY: Of course.
FITZGIBBON: St. Dominic's can't afford it.
I expected you to counsel Mrs. Quimp,
not to adopt her.
[Exclaims contentedly]
- Hot turkey.
- Hot? Of course it's hot.
That's what I say.
"Bless us, O Lord, for these Thy gifts
which we are about to receive. Amen."