HERMAN: Lace panty-coats.
ALL: Yeah, lace panty-coats.
First thing you know,
he'll be charming us into these things.
BOY 1: Yeah, making altar boys out of us.
Hold it. First guy up, I kick his teeth in, see?
Look, you, O'Malley's a right guy, see?
Pick him up.
Look, you, O'Malley's a right guy, see?
He didn't rat on us about the turkeys,
did he?
ALL: No.
TONY: Took us to a baseball game?
ALL: Yeah.
TONY: Bought us hot dogs, didn't he?
ALL: Yeah.
TONY: He's gonna take us to a picture show,
ain't he?
How do we know?
- Hello, Father. Say hello to the Father.
- Hello, Father.
Hi, fellas.
TONY: Where'd you get the outfit?
O'MALLEY: It's the St. Louis Browns.
I used to work out with them.
They thought I brought them luck.
- When I left, they gave it to me.
- That's the outfit to wear in a cellar.
Oh, you, knocking my team.
I guess you fellas wonder
why I asked you down here.
Father, I want to talk to you a minute.
- Wanna see me?
- Just a minute.
Pardon me, boys.
Tony, what's on your mind?
Well, Father, so you won't have no beef
coming, I'm laying it on the line, okay?
Okay. They're here. Like I promised.
Only, you should have heard them squawk.
Worse than that turkey.
- They did?
- Yeah, they figured being a priest...
you were gonna slip them the old routine.
Personally, I'm for giving you a break.
What I say goes.
- Swell of you, Tony.
- It ain't nothing, Father.
Only, the way it is now,
I'm on the hook for you, see?
- I'm responsible for you. Get me?
- I won't let you down.
Maybe you won't,
but you step out of line once...
me and the gang will drop you
like you were a hot potato.
- Okay. Can I talk to them now?
- Sure, go ahead.
Boys, I'm not gonna do much talking.
Like Tony says,
I'm gonna lay it right on the line.
I asked you down here to do me a favour.
St. Dominic's needs a choir,
and I want to start one.