But he's young, Father.
I'll admit, maybe a wee bit impulsive.
But I know he means well.
After all, it was the Bishop himself
did put him here.
And the Bishop himself
will put him someplace else.
I'm going to ask
to have Father O'Malley transferred.
FITZGIBBON: Don't worry.
It's not a bad report I'll be making.
I'll just tell the Bishop
that this young man and I differ.
We don't see eye to eye.
I'd be happier
if he were sent some other place.
It's a long, hard road you've come, Father.
Forty-five years, and most of the time
carrying other people's burdens.
The time has come
when you should rest on your oars.
Take things a mite easier. Enjoy your life.
Let somebody else carry the load for you.
Sure, and Father O'Malley's got
a strong pair of shoulders.
[Boys singing] Three blind mice
See how they run!
They all ran after the farmer's wife
See what I mean?
No, I've got to see the Bishop.
O'MALLEY: We got our sections.
I'll give each section a note.
O'MALLEY: Then we'll put them together
and have a chord.
Take this section first. Here's your note.
Got that? Let me hear it now.
[One boy harmonizing]
I thought we had singers here.
Let's hear everybody in this section.
Big, now, let me hear it.
[Boys vocalising]
O'MALLEY: That's good.
Second section, here's your note.
You got that? Let me hear it.
[Boys vocalising]
We got a cruller in there somewhere?
Who is that? You?
O'MALLEY: What's your name?
ELMER: Elmer.
Elmer, your voice is changing, isn't it?
ELMER: I guess so, Father.
Have to drop you down a bracket.
Get here in the third section.
Elmer is a switch hitter, it seems.
Let me hear that second section again.
[Boys vocalising]