Aren't we quick-witted today...?
- Ström?
- "Present a gift."
Does that sound familiar, Mr Widgren?
Yes, of course.
Of course... Continue!
"They stepped before the consul
and assured him they were ready."
Thank you. That will be all.
"Afford a person pleasure." Widgren!
Afficere aliquem laetitia.
- "Inspire a person with fear."
- In... aliquem timore.
- In...
- Well?
- Inicere.
- Someone whispered.
Genitive with impersonal verbs.
Examples, Kreutz?
Miseret, paenitet, piget,
pudet, taedet.
- "Pardon". Karlsson?
- Parco, peperci, parsum, parcere.
"Beat". Bokstedt?
Plango... plantice.
- Wrong! Bergström?
- Plango, planxi, planctum, plangere
Caesar hostem aggressus devicit.
- Widgren?
- "Caesar defeated the enemy."
- Example of what?
- Participial construction.
- Which one?
- Participium coniunctum.
- Predicative attribute.
- Of what?
Haven't you prepared for the lesson?
I have, sir.
I believe you're lying, Mr Widgren.