- That's no concern of yours.
- It is!
It's my class, and my boys.
- So they're harmed, are they?
- Yes. Not all, but some.
The others just despise you.
And laugh at you
when your back's turned...
- How do you know?
- I know my boys.
- And I don't?
- No, you don't.
If you did, you'd behave differently.
Please do not use that word.
This is not a matter of words.
I thought you cared for your boys.
But I'm just an old fool.
I can see now that you don't care
one jot for them.
Do you care for them?
A teacher must care for his boys.
If he doesn't, then
what does he care about in life?
I don't wish to be cross-examined!
Who has taken map Number 40?
But I wish to make it clear to you
that you are unsuited
to be a teacher!
Maybe I am too, because I'm too kind.
But I like my boys
- and I'm not afraid of them!
Are you saying I'm afraid? Nonsense!
For you it's a fight to the death.
"Frighten me,
and I'll scare you to death!"
I'll tell you that's wrong,
as you can't see it for yourself.
- Where is map Number 40?
- Stand still, and calm yourself.
Just listen to me.
I'm old enough to be your father.
Our profession is a vocation.
It means to have a calling,
something that comes naturally.