
Stop talking about the creep!
I don't want to know who he is.

A moment ago, you wanted to.
How did I get into this?
I want to be left alone!

Christ, I'm so fed up with it!
With me too?
I don't know...
It's as if I'd never known you.
And you just broke up.
Just as well - I wouldn't want
to share you.

One week to the finals.
I wish it were all over!

Only a week? It's crazy!
I've heard the examiners
are a mean lot.

I can't think in this heat.
The head swells
so you can't get your cap on.

All sense evaporates!
It's all crap! Miserable,
pointless, ridiculous crap!

- The Devil's coming!
- He looks odd.

- He always looks odd.
- You'll whisper, won't you?

All present? Shut the windows!
Widgren will begin
today's translation.

I'm not prepared.
