- Do you doubt me?
- It's a doubting world. Kind sir.
As I.
Professor Bruno Lampini.
Have reason to know.
I have a collection of the
world's most astounding horrors.
When I exhibit them,
what do I get?
Doubts, jeers,
cries of'Fake! Fake!"
You expect your patrons
to believe that the skeleton
you show them...
is really that
of Count Dracula?
I. Lampini. Took it...
pardon me... borrowed it
from the cellar
of Dracula's castle...
in the Carpathian Mountains.
With my own two hands
I spread upon the floor
of its coffin...
a layer of soil
taken from its birthplace.
So that by proxy.
Shall we say.
The skeleton of his
earthbound spirit might...
might lie at peace
within his grave.
Until the withdrawal
of the wooden stake
from its heart...
set Dracula free again...
to satisfy his unholy
appetite for blood.
At night. The giant bat
would seek its victims.
But before sunrise.
Return to the safety
of his coffin.
Aye, a single ray of sunlight
falling upon a vampire
would make him helpless.
Do you ever exhibit
your show in Visaria?
No. That's a town that
doesn't care for horrors.
They had one of their own
some 15 years ago...
when a Dr. Niemann tried
to give a dog the mind
of a human being.
They threw him
in prison...
because he.
Like Frankenstein.
Used bodies of the newly-dead
to carry on his work.
- Is old Hussman still alive?
- He's now the mayor
of Reigelberg.
Are you going there.
By any chance?
Later on in the season.
It's a small place.
Too far away to make
a trip profitable.
That is where you are going.
I am not going
to Reigelberg.
Then Daniel and I
will go alone.