Oh. Pardon me.
I'm Carl Hussman
and this is Mrs. Hussman.
- We are here
on our honeymoon.
- My congratulations.
And this is
my grandfather.
How do you do?
Herr Hussman.
Permit me
to introduce myself.
I am Baron Latos
from Transylvania.
Glad to know you. Baron.
May I suggest that
you join me for a bottle
of wine at the inn?
In the nature of. Shall we say.
A celebration. Mrs. Hussman?
Well. That's a wonderful idea
if Grandad doesn't mind.
Oh. Yes.
A glass of wine
will warm my blood.
But you will accept
our hospitality. Baron.
The wine of the country
from my cellar.
Thank you.
Herr Hussman.
Driver. Stop
at the Hussman home.
Oh. Driver. Go around
to the kitchen.
Ask the cook
to make you some coffee.
Thank you. Herr Burgomaster.
I drink to love.
A union to last
throughout eternity.
A love free from
all material needs.
I'll drink to that lack
of material needs
myself. Baron.
But not till I raid the
wine cellar. I won't.
Excuse me. Darling.
Be right back. Baron.
You admire
my ring?
When I look at it.
I see glimpses
of a strange world.
A world of people
who are dead...
and yet alive.
It is the place from
which I've just returned.
It frightens me.
Wear it.
It will drive away
your fears.