Miss Hunt, I have something
to say to you.
You've already said it,
Mr. Lydecker.
I wish to point out that you caught me
at my most difficult moment.
Ordinarily I am not
without a heart.
Shall I produce
X- ray pictures to prove it?
I wish to apologize.
Your apology is accepted.
Good-bye, Mr. Lydecker.
If you come
a little bit closer, my boy...
I can just crack your skull
with my stick.
And now, for reasons
which are too embarrassing to mention...
I'd like to endorse that pen.
Mr. Lydecker!
Thank you.
- You're a very strange man.
- What?
You're really sorry
for the way you acted, aren't you?
Let's not be psychiatric,
Miss Hunt...
but in a word, yes.
It's very kind of you,
you know.
I'm not kind. I'm vicious.
It's the secret of my charm.
But if you choose
to think me kind...
I'll call for you at 6:00.
All right?
All right.
Her career began
with my endorsement of the pen.
I secured other endorsements for her...
introduced her
to important clients.
I gave her her start...
but it was her own talent
and imagination...
that enabled her to rise
to the top ofher profession...
and stay there.
She had an eager mind always.
She was always quick to seize upon
anything that would improve her mind...