
till I saw she was not alone.
But I waited.
I wanted to see who he was.

It was Jacoby, who had recently
painted her portrait.

I never liked the man.
He was so obviously conscious oflooking
more like an athlete than an artist.

I sat up the rest of the night
writing a column about him.

I demolished his affectations...
exposed his camouflaged
imitations ofbetter painters...

ridiculed his theories.
I did it for her,
knowing Jacoby was unworthy ofher.

It was a masterpiece
because it was a labor oflove.

Naturally, she could never
regard him seriously again.

There were others,
of course...

but her own discrimination
ruled them out...

before it became necessary
for me to intercede...

until one night at a party
at Ann Treadwell's.

It was one ofher usual roundups
ofbizarre and nondescript characters...

- corralled from every stratum of society.
- How are you this evening?

This is Mr. and Mrs. Preston.
They've been waiting to meet you.

How do you do?
- Hello, Shelby.
- Excuse me, honey.

You're Laura Hunt.
- Yes?
- Hello. I'm Shelby Carpenter.

- Want to dance?
- I'm not alone.

Oh, him? I'll bet
he's still doing the polka.

Excuse me, please. Yes.
Betsy Ross taught it to me.
- Hello, Waldo. Darling, how are you?
- Hello, darling.

- I see you've met Shelby.
- Hello, Ann.

- Unavoidably.
- He was awfully nice to me in Louisville at the Derby.

His family's from Kentucky.
Sharecroppers, no doubt.
Louise. Louise, for the last time,
will you marry me?
