
What about dancing?
What about lunch?
Beautiful lunches...

- day after day after day after day?
- What about work?

Beautiful work,
day after day after day?

Why, Miss Hunt,
the way you talk.

You'd think I was
in love with you.

Yes, Laura,
I heard everything he said.

I went to call for you.
I'm sorry, Waldo.
And that reminds me.
Old Mother Hubbard has
something in the cupboard.

The results of
my private investigation...

of that sterling character,
Mr. Shelby Carpenter.

By stooping so low, you only
degrade yourself, Waldo.

Did you know that he almost went to jail
for passing rubber checks...

that he was suspected of stealing
his hostess's jewels...

when he was a houseguest
in Virginia?

Naturally they'd suspect him,
because he isn't rich.

Those are only insinuations...
the cheapest kind.
These aren't only
insinuations, my dear.

There you are.
Read them.

What of it?
I know his faults.
A man can change, can't he?

People are always ready
to hold out a hand to slap you down...

but never to pick you up.
All right,
I'm helping Shelby.

His past is his own affair.
I only care about the present.
Speaking of the changed Mr. Carpenter
in the present tense...

he's now running around
with a model from your own office.

Her name is Diane Redfern.
I'm closer to despising you
than I thought I ever would be.

I'm sorry. I should have
told you before.
