Good morning.
Lieutenant McPherson sent for us.
- Good morning, Lieutenant.
- Hello, McPherson.
- This is quite a delegation. I only sent for you, Carpenter.
- I know.
Shelby's dropping me off
at the hairdresser's later...
- so I thought I might as well come along.
- My excuse is equally feeble.
I just popped in
to pay my dubious respects...
and inquire as to
the state of your health.
- Insipid, I trust.
- I was just going to pour myself a drink.
- Care to join me?
- A very nice idea. Shelby, wouldn't you like one?
- I'll get it.
- Never mind.
- Bessie, would you bring a couple more glasses?
- Yes, sir.
Hi, Bessie.
What are you doing here?
I'm paid up for the week,
and I'm working, regardless.
- Would you like one, Lydecker?
- I see no reason to exclude myself...
if the host provides scotch.
- This do?
- I presume it'll have to.
How about you, Carpenter?
It's cheap, but it's potent.
As a matter of fact, I don't think I care
for any. I'm not much of a daytime drinker.
- Uh-huh. That'll be all for you, Bessie.
You can go home now. - But I- Yes, sir.
I remember when Laura
bought these glasses.
She loved them.
She loved all her things so.
What are you going to do?
Sell them?
I don't know.
I suppose so. Thank you.
If I'm appointed administrator of the estate,
I shall probably just call in Corey.
You mean Lancaster Corey,
the art dealer?
Yes. He was
a friend of Laura's.
Let him dispose of everything.
It'll be less gruesome that way.
Not quite everything, Ann.
Two or three things in here
belong to me.
This vase, for instance...
and that, uh, clock,
of course...
and the antique fire screen.
- I only lent them to Laura, you know.
- Oh, really, Waldo.
Yes, really. This vase is the gem of my
collection. I intend to have it back.
And the clock and the screen too.
But they aren't yours. You gave them
to Laura. I won't permit it.
Does an alleged fiance
have any voice in this matter?
I'll take the vase with me now and send someone
to collect the other things this very day.
Nothing is leaving here
except you, Lydecker.
Is that your quaint way
of indicating dismissal?
We're all going anyway. I have to be
back at headquarters by noon.
Lieutenant, I don't understand.
You sent for me, didn't you?