Mr. Skeffington

Well, he showed a certain flare
for picking odd names and places...

...but it was hardly worth the $24,000
we paid him in commissions.

You mean he stole $24,000 from you?
Yes. I'm afraid that's it.
Does Trippy know you know?
Oh, yes. We called him in
and told him we'd give him...

...every opportunity to return the money.
Then we sent him to a smaller office...

...and took his name off the door.
That was two weeks ago.

- Has he made any effort to make good?
- Not only hasn't he returned a penny...

...but three days ago he forgot himself
and handed in another order...

...from Mr. Clarence Pruitt.
When a man becomes repetitious,
it's time to go to the DA.

You should have gone long ago.
Well, I was quite touched
when I discovered...

...that he'd lost most of the money
at the racetrack.

- That touched you?
- Yes.

They were my horses he bet on,
and I gave him the tips.

How was I to know
it was my own money?

Poor Trippy.
I'm sorry, Miss Trellis.
I know it won't be any hardship...

...for you to return the money.
- No hardship?

There won't be unpleasantness.
Mr. Skeffington, you may as well know
that Miss Trellis and Trippy are stone broke.

I don't understand.
- The Trellis wealth was a legend.
- Well, it's now a myth.

When my father died four years ago
he did leave a considerable estate...

...but, you see,
Trippy insisted on managing it.

He went through their fortune
and was starting in on yours.

I see.
But the house, servants.
I was under the impression...

Everybody's under the same impression.
Even the creditors.
I take it, then, there's no chance
of the money being returned, is there?

I'll be leaving now.
Unless, of course, Trippy could get another
job and pay you back a little each week.
