Trippy, dear...
I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry.
- Why can't you leave me alone?
- Oh, Trippy, you mustn't.
You mustn't feel like this.
Everything will be all right, really.
No, it won't.
I've just been lucky so far.
Sooner or later,
everybody will know about me.
If Skeffington doesn't go to the police,
someday somebody will.
When that happens, I'll...
- When that happens, I'll kill myself.
- Trippy.
Trippy, don't say such things.
Don't even think such things.
Why do I do it?
Who do I get it from?
Not from Dad.
- He was a grand old gent, wasn't he?
- Yes, he was, Trippy.
...do you remember much about Mother?
Just that she was tall and very beautiful
and played the piano.
I'm glad she's not here...
...to see what I turned out to be.
Why, Trippy Trellis...
...she would love you very much.
Why don't you get dressed and come
have lunch with Janie Clarkson and me.
No, thanks.
- The thought of food...
- Oh, please do.
Janie's very amusing,
and she wears such funny hats.
Yes, Manby?
Some more flowers, Miss Trellis.
From Mr. Chester Forbish.
A very interesting man.
Who, Chester?
No, not Chester.
Skeffington Company, Casey speaking.
Seventeen and a half, sir.
Five hundred at 17 and a half? Yes, sir.