Well, she's very attractive, but I won't
pursue the subject any further.
Excuse me.
What is it now?
Buy 10,000 at 23 and a half.
Mr. Skeffington, please forgive me
for being so curious...
...but it sounds very important.
- Ten thousand what?
- Ten thousand shares of steel.
What's the 23 and a half?
Twenty-three and a half dollars a share.
Ten thousand at 23 and a half?
Oh, well, if you're that casual about money,
I'll let you buy the dozen tickets after all.
You know, the Trellis fortune
was made and lost here...
...and I've never once
seen the stock exchange.
I'd be glad to show you
around some time.
That's very nice of you,
but isn't it a little vague?
Could you make it right now?
I have an engagement with Janie Clarkson,
but we don't like each other...
...so she probably won't be there, either.
In that case, would you like
to have lunch with me?
Oh, I'd be delighted.
Then could I come back here
and see all this?
If you wish. Shall we go to the Waldorf?
Not the Waldorf.
That's where I'm not having lunch
with Janie Clarkson.
What is happening, Mr. Skeffington?
- Terrible.
- What's terrible?
They've declared war.
Get all our branch offices on the phone.
Keep a wire open to Washington.
Hello, Casey,
keep me informed on wheat.