It's really very flattering, Mr. Vanyi.
Isn't it, Georgie?
Won't you tell me
who commissioned you to paint it?
- I'm sorry, Miss Trellis.
- You're very stubborn.
Yes. Now look here, Mr. Vanyi,
I'll pay you double. I want that portrait.
Sorry, but my client is paying me
four times my usual fee.
- Confound it, who is this client?
- The extra money is to keep me quiet.
You see, Jim, it's no use.
- But look here, l...
- Excuse me. That must be the transfer man.
He can't do this to me.
One moment, Mr. Vanyi.
We'll settle this here and now.
Fanny, it's not like you.
All these hours sitting for a portrait
you won't own...
...for a man you don't even know.
Why did you do it?
I think it's very romantic, Georgie.
An unknown admirer...
...commissions the foremost
portrait painter of the day to paint me.
And besides, as Mr. Vanyi said...
...he offered to donate $ 1000
to my favorite charity.
Oh, I see.
Georgie, I was wondering...
...would it be considered charity
if we use the money for Trippy?
Well, a thousand dollars wouldn't help
much, so we might just as well be honest.
By the way, have you heard
from Mr. Skeffington?
I almost had lunch with him
several weeks ago.
But it was the very day that war was
declared, and it spoiled everything.
I must say, he's been decent.
He hasn't called me in all this time.
- Sooner or later we've got to tell him.
- I suppose we have, Georgie.
I've only been able to raise four,
$5000 and that's the limit.
Goodness, I almost forgot.
I have a date with Janie Clarkson.
Oh, how is Janie?
I don't know.
Haven't seen her for months.
I'll remember this, Mr. Vanyi.
Fanny, this man's impossible. He won't
give me the slightest hint who it is.
- Jim, I really don't care.
- Don't care?
What if we walk into a saloon some day
and see you over the bar?
- I doubt very much I'll ever get that drunk.
- Now, Fanny...